i've been wanting to do so for such a loooooong time!
sec4 really is very tough...everyday HOMEWORK HOMEWORK and more... HOMEWORK!
finally a lucky day where i don't have any=DDDD
but i feel like i'm lagging...i'm forgetting my past works n learning new ones...
what kinda logic is that (? . ?)
but recently also quite busy la
busy with...CNY!!!!!!!!!(yay!all e hongbaosxDDD)
haha also busy with syf auditions
just one thing to say about that...JY all to those that failed(including mi>.<)
now that i'm writing i dunnoe what to say lols
but i've got something nice to introduce to you!
its a very nice story=]
its said that e young author of this book is actually writing her true story
but i feel that although its a very very very nice story,it feels to dramatic to be real lols
but too bad is e book is only available in jap n chi(simplified) only,theres no eng T.T
but actually e way she describes e many different process feel very real lols
but if you're one of those who cant stand reading chinese than i suggest u watch e movie or drama=D
although they actually cut away a lot but which movie doesn't lols but they still have e main story there=]
can go watch e movie/drama at www.mysoju.com but if u want a better quality for e drama can go www.veoh.com when i mean better its seriously better by a hell lot!(provided u download veoh player xD)
i can tell you i practically went a lil crazy about it hahaxDDD
its really worth reading and my aunt just told mi it was introduced in e papers too!
go watch e movie first!its nice than e dramaxD
and i can tell u that after i watch both movie n drama i cried hahaxD