hey peeps its another 9hrs to 2010!
actually i don't feel much about it lols
i feel so weird in e past i used to be so excited over xmas and new year but this year...well it feels like just another day for mi hahas am i very 无情?or maybe i've just become more lazy this holiday?hahas i guess lazy is e ans.but i guess i'll be spending my day watching 娱乐百分百 hahas somehow i'm addicted to it again^^
i'll be posting about my resolution later tonight^^
just some radoms:)don't have to bother reading it but if u want to go ahead^^
虽然我不懂也不渴望什么爱情只类,但是我很庆幸我有友情。就像范范姐的歌《不能跟情人说的话》让我大概明白了我朋友的重要性。不断地给我勇气,鼓励,欢笑,等等。就像大家说:“和情人在一起时 ‘开心的时候,都是双倍,伤心或难过的时候,都是一半。’ ”但我也觉得和朋友在一起时也和那一句一模一样^^所以to all my friends当你看到这个时,不要觉得肉麻因为我时真心的!:D认识你们那么多年了但从来没好好感谢大家过。所以趁这个快要跨年的机会好好感谢大家!:D爱你们!初~!=3